Please read ‘n buy new book about the Asian Law Caucus

25 Sep

Please read a sample of my e-book, In Defense of Civil Rights: The 40 Year History of the Asian Law Caucus which published recently. Please go to the URL below and sample read my book and please buy if you like it and tell your friends and colleagues. Thanks a whole lot for your support and input! It took a lot of work but it was a labor of love.

Other ways to support my work: encourage your local library to purchase a copy

Yes, its been awhile . . .

7 Aug

I have put on hold all my fiction writing, including my sequel to BlAsian Exchanges, titled Black Woman Asian Man. I have been completing a nonfiction work which I’ve made the priority of my life the last several months. It is titled: “In Defense of Civil Rights: the 40 year history of the Asian Law Caucus.” Those who know me from my freelance writer/journalist days of the 1980s and 1990s know that the ALC was a group I wrote about not too infrequently during those years. Writing about this groups accomplishments, efforts, etc. was a reflection of my own progressive, political left of center positions on social issues such as immigration, hate violence, etc. And of course that writing generated my enterance into fiction with “BlAsian Exchanges, a novel.”

Not surprisingly, talking about BlAsian Exchanges to Black women around the country also generated more questions about ALC which is mentioned in BlAsian Exchanges. And that is one of the motivators behind “In Defense of Civil Rights.”

I hope to finish this book before the end of the year.

In the mean time, thanks to all of you who have stay tuned to this blog and have supported me by buying “BlAsian Exchanges.”

Take Care,





BlAsian Exchanges Vid

5 Jul


Me getting down at After Party for Premiere showing of . . .

17 May

Audrey & Dre mobisode! Yes, I finally saw/heard  myself in the “Audrey & Dre” mobisode I’ve been talking about for months now. Yours truly and the cover of BlAsian Excheanges was in two of the 13 segments and a portion of the book was read in one other segment by Dre, the co-star Asian male character Dre played by Andrew Chen. I was shown dancing in one of the segments. The vid will be released on YouTube this summer – a couple of months is the inside word. It was nice meeting the cast and friends of  my buddy Audrey Kelley, co-star who played Audrey, at  the after-party and for all of you attached is a vid of me dancing at the after-party.!/uptownwriter/posts/154883501243670?notif_t=like

also see it on YouTube at:

See preview of upcoming BlAsian vid at. . .

10 May


27 Feb

In responding to V’s post, I want to just say: your past follows you to the present if the two are closely linked. So if you an Asian man murdered a Black woman in cold blood (no matter what the circumstances), it is reasonable for any person to question your maintaining a site that encourages love between Black women and Asian men. Sure, there is the polemic that one person is not the site and the site is not one person but on some matters like this one you cannot just brush a murder off with that argument.  That’s my opinion; I said a lot more in the July post. And no more need be said.

Its been awhile . . .

22 Feb

But I am still in the BlAsian world. Life has been busier on other fronts including and especially work so just wanted to let everyone know . . . I intend to be posting more real soon.

World Journal article . . .

4 Oct

The link below may not work but below the link is the complete reprint and English translation of the World Journal that featured my wife and I in February 2009.

BlAsian relationships articles in World Journal – Chinese language newspaper The World Journal is the largest Chinese language newspaper in the U.S.If you go to the above link, you will not only see the BlAsian relationships articles you will also see pictures of persons mentioned in the articles including a picture of my wife and myself. To access all the page the articles are on you need to use the right-hand arrow tool on the bottom right of the link and click to page 3 where the articles are located. Use the magnifying glass to make the page bigger or smaller depending on the size of your computer screen. Below is an English translation of the articles. 柯卡斯:兩個族裔有共同的歷史Cacas: Cacas: Two Races: One common history 【記者張經義紐約報導】身為少數娶非洲裔妻子的亞裔男性,菲律賓裔的柯卡斯(Sam Cacas)對亞非種族藩籬的存在一針見血指出:「兩個族裔對彼此共同的歷史認識太少」。 By Reporter Ching-Yi Chang New York: Being the rare Asian man who has married a Black woman, Sam Cacas, who is Filipino, knows the essential reason why there have not been more Black-Asian marriages: “each race does not understand much about the common history between Blacks and Asians.” 柯卡斯不僅常常在「亞洲人周刊」(Asian Week)發表對亞非戀看法,更於日前發表小說「亞非戀交流,一本小說」中(BlAsian Exchanges, a Novel)探討亞男非女配議題,目前他更著手撰寫亞非裔交流歷史的非小說。 Cacas not only publishes a regular column in Asian Week sharing his viewpoint about BlAsian (Black-Asian) relationships; he has also published a novel recently— “BlAsian Exchanges, a Novel” —that discusses the issue of relationships between Asian males and African American women. Currently, he is also working on a non-fiction work about Black-Asian common history. 柯 卡斯是在1994年於加州偶遇同樣身為文字工作者的非裔妻子後,才開始對亞非戀進行深入探討,特別少見的是亞男非女組合。 Cacas happened to meet his wife in 1994 in CA, and that event inspired him to think more about BlAsian relationships issues. And 10 years ago, he began writing about Asian male black female relationships. 他驚覺,因為受電影、電視影響,人們多認為亞裔男子既不感性也不性感,更認為非裔女子是既放蕩又敗金,如此一來,在媒體上出現的亞非配自然少,所以人們也才會認為亞非戀「不是個選項」。 He realizes that society views such relationships as surprising, because of the movie and TV industries’ portrayal of Asian men as neither sexual nor romantic, and Black women as both sexually promiscuous and gold diggers, so there are few BlAsian relationships in the media. And so most Americans do not see the BlAsian relationship as a reality. 柯卡斯說明,亞非族裔對彼此刻板印象多來自媒體,且報導內容又多是負面,於是,人們往往忽略兩族裔曾屢屢攜手合作對抗種族主義的共同歷史,包括1970年代曾促使美國各大校園將不同族裔文化和歷史納入教育課程中。 Cacas indicated that both groups’ stereotypes of each other are mostly based on media portrayals which are mostly negative. Members of both races are unaware that Asians and Black confronted racism hand in hand during the 1970s as part of people of color coalitions that protested nationwide academic institutions’ failure to include their respective cultures and histories in their school’s curricula. 歐巴馬效應 亞非戀竄紅! The Obama Effect on Black-Asian Relationships! 【記者邰彥、張經義紐約報導】歐巴馬的成長環境與亞裔十分密切,他同父異母的弟弟馬克‧歐巴馬(Mark Obama)也因娶華人劉祖華為妻成為新聞焦點;有一半韓裔血統的亞非裔匹茲堡鋼人隊員沃德(Hines Ward)在2006年贏得超級盃並獲MVP,讓韓國舉國沸騰;舉世聞名的高爾夫名將老虎伍茲(Tiger Woods)更是亞非戀產物。 By Reporter Tai Yan, Ching-Yi Chang, New York ] The relationship between newly-elected President Barack Obama and Asians is very personally close given that Mark Obama, the President’s younger brother, married a Chinese woman, Liu ZuHua. This BlAsian relationship focus is part of a recent ongoing news focus of many other BlAsians including children of BlAsian relationships including: – Hines Ward of the Pittsburgh Steelers who is Afro-Asian (BlAsian) and ethnically South Korean; He obtained National Football League MVP in 2006 to the excitement of the whole nation of S. Korea – Well-known golf star Tiger Woods is also a BlAsian. 在美國鼓吹亞非戀的菲律賓裔記者兼作家柯卡斯(Sam Cacas)表示,在各大型網路交流平台都有亞非戀交流網站,而且迅速「激增」 Filipino American reporter and writer Sam Cacas, an advocate of the BlAsian relationship community, said that literally all the major social network sites on the Internet – including Facebook, Yahoo!, and YouTube have BlAsians groups and content all of which “have proliferated sharply in recent years,” according to Cacas.. 研究異族通婚的社會學者均認為,隨著人口流動增加與網路興起,亞裔與非裔接觸的層面增廣,亞非戀將越來越普遍。 Academic scholars who have studied the social phenomena of interracial marriages theorize that such marriages increase tends to rise relative to population flows of Asian descendants and the more they are not exposed to their country of origin their longing for interracial ties such as BlAsian relationships increases. 日前,馬里蘭大學(University of Maryland)一項研究就發現,美國華裔異族通婚代代增加,在黃白配之外就屬黃黑配最多。 A few days ago, research at the University of Maryland found that American citizens of Chinese origin have increasingly married interracially with every succeeding generation and after White-Asian marriages, the Blasian marriage is the most common. 研究跨族裔戀愛的俄亥俄州立大學社會學教授錢震超表示,華人與非裔戀愛,很難用統計數字說明其趨勢。 Ohio State University Sociology Professor Qian ZhenChao who studies interracial love said, “whether Chinese descendants fall in love, hard to prove statistically. 1980、1990到2000年代的實際數字一直在增加,不過占人口總數的比率並未增加,主要是華人移民猛增、造成本族通婚比異族通婚多。 Since 1980, 1990 to 2000, numbers keep increasing, but the rate of taking the population has not increased, it is mainly that more than to have mixed marriage that Chinese immigrant increase sharply, causes intermarry more than interracial marry.” 馬 里蘭大學亞美研究學者品川(Larry Shinagawa)表示,華人與非裔嫁娶在排華法案解除前就曾一度盛行,至今還有特殊的「密西西比華人」(Mississippi Chinese)族裔。 \ Asian American Studies researcher at university of Maryland researcher Larry Shinagawa said, before the Chinese Exclusion Act, the BlAsian marriage prevailed for a time in Mississippi where Chinese-Black marriages prevailed. 雖然今日華人在本族群有足夠選擇對象,但隨著與非裔接觸層面拓寬,大學、俱樂部、職場和網際網絡等媒介都在在創造人們戀愛機會。 Though Chinese in this country today have more choices in ethnicity and race today when it comes to whom they fall in love with, moreso than their ancestors, since they are exposed to a broad array of social clubs, job market and Internet,etc. in their university environment. 品 川分析,受接觸面的影響,華人若與非裔戀愛,對方也多是教育程度、收入和社會地位較高的人 Larry Shinagawa’s analysis indicates that if persons of the a different race fall in love, the majority of such relationships involve persons with a higher education degree, as well as higher income and social status too. 專家普遍認為,名人效應對一個族裔被其他族裔接受度影響很大。 Experts generally think, a famous person’s effect is an accepted degree of influence which exerts a tremendous influence on their clan by other clan descendants. 品川說,小時候遭韓裔歧視的沃德,就因一戰成名被整個韓國視為民族英雄;非裔的歐巴馬也促使人了解「非裔也能做了不起的事」。 Larry Shinagawa says that, ‘as a child Hines Ward was discriminated against and his success has led Koreans overseas to regard him as a national hero once he became famous/ Obama impels people of Afro-American descent to understand that they can do amazing things ‘. 歐巴馬的多元色彩更已加速使跨族裔交流間看不見的藩籬土崩瓦解。 The plural color of Obama has more already begun accelerating interracial relationships . 與非裔交往的華人金藍妮(Nini Jin)就為歐巴馬上任感到振奮:「也許這世界仍會把『膚色問題』看得很嚴重,但今天許多人已能名正言順地選擇他們所想要的歸屬了。」 Nini Jin, who has black boyfriend, feels inspired by Obama: ‘ the world may put the color issue on you, but you can choose your belonging now more openly’. 金恩、劉珍妮 一見鍾情 King and Jenny Lau Fell in Love at First Sight 愛情是真的 終究會在一起 As long as the love is true, we will be together eternally 【記者張經義紐約報導】在1990年即相戀,後來步入禮堂的金恩(Michael King)與劉珍妮(Jenny Mie Lau King),是當時社會較少見的亞非戀。 By Reporter Ching-Yi Chang New York – Jennie Mie Lau and Michael King fell in love in 1990, then later stepped into a church and married later. Michael King and Jenny Mie Lau King, are the rare Afro-Asian union in American society which often compares their union with other more common unions. 談起兩人戀情,雙雙都說是「一見鍾情」,金恩笑說:「因為我們的愛情是真的,所以無論我們出身背景為何,我們終究 會在一起。」 Speaking of the love of two people, they both said they loved each other from first sight, King said ‘ because our love is true, regardless of what our ethnic backgrounds happen to be’. 緣 分的開端很特別,當年金恩湊巧送披薩給劉珍妮的朋友,而她也正巧幫那朋友搬東西,兩人就這麼一見鍾情。 The beginning of romantic fate is very special. King was delivering Pizza to Jenny Lau’s friend, and she happened to be helping that friend to move, and both fell in love from first sight. 兩人其實都在開放的環境中成長:金恩從小就接觸不少跨族裔戀情,他第一次接觸亞非戀是在6歲時,當時他非裔武術教練太太是日本人,兩人有一對美麗混血女兒。 Both grew up in a diverse environment: King has been exposed to much interracial loves since childhood, it was at the age of 6 that he was in a BlAsian relationship for the first time, his martial arts coach’s wife is Japanese, they have two beautiful mixed-blood daughters. 劉珍妮則回憶,當她帶金恩回家時,她的父親和爺爺都很熱切地希望多認識她的非裔男友。 Jenny Lau remembers, when she took King home, her father and grandfather took the time to know him more. 從交往起,因偶有外界不了解亞非戀給的「不愉快經驗」,這讓想宣揚跨族裔戀情的兩人興起架設網站的念 頭。 From being together, because American society does not understand BlAsian relationships, they occasionally have met some ignorant people, so this has led them to want to advocate for BlAsian relationships, and they started to design a web site about this. 兩人從不懂電腦,就這樣一路到架設了數個與亞非戀相關網站,成為亞非戀網站開路先鋒,其中包括專門針對亞非裔設計的交友網站,以及讓亞非情侶、夫婦分享故事與照片的網站, 有非裔女性就在網站上分享道,她的亞裔男友「讓她能睜開眼看見一個嶄新的世界,以及無限可能。」 Two people from not knowing web-design much, now they create several relevant Blasian websites all the way, become Asian-Africa relationships’ websites pioneer, include friend-making websites that specially designed for Blasians, and let the Blasian lover, married couple of share the story and photo website on, a black woman shared on the web and said her Asian boyfriend ‘ enable her to open her eyes and see one brand-new world, and imagine limitless possibilities. 金恩表示,現在每個月都有超過2500人造訪他的網站,他甚至扮演起亞非戀諮商專家,解決相關疑難雜症,「我們夫婦希望能當促進兩族裔關係的催化劑」。 King says, each one month his websites attract 2500 visitors, he even acts as Blasian expert and consults with them. ‘”My wife and I hope to act as a catalyst who promotes relationships between two peoples.” 金恩相信,兩族裔對彼此偏見終將消滅,如推動民權運動的金恩博士所說:「人們終會由其性格而被評斷,而非膚色。」 King believe two peoples’ bias will eliminate at last, as Martin Luther King said ‘ .people are judged by the content of their character…”.

Please let me know what you think of my latest interview . . .

28 Aug

First off, thanks so much to Ms. Ankhesen Mie for interviewing me as a featured guest on her blog, The Blasian Narrative. The interview can be accessed at:

I also wanted to thank Ms. Audrey Kelley of Kelley Company Productions in Los Angeles for setting up this interview.

While my responses to the queries were lengthy, they also captured a lot of personal history as an Interracial Relationships spokesperson as well as my own personal IR life.

It’s still up: my 2008 interview at AAJA

25 Aug